The Role of Inspiration in the Healing/Recovery Process

© 2000 Michele Toomey, PhD


November 7, 2000

Perhaps nowhere is the core of intimacy and reconciliation of our paradoxical self more dramatic and powerful than in inspiration. Thoughts and feelings, mind and body, past and future are drawn together, into the present, meeting as one at the core of our being, at our essence, our soul. They resonate as one, with the strength of enlightenment that not only radiates energy and light, but resounds with silent yet brilliant song. The force of this "oneness" moves heaven and earth without actually moving a thing.

The harsh reality of permanent damage is softened and then transformed by inspiration. There would be only the torture of harsh reality rubbing on harsh reality, like bone rubbing on bone, without the sacred balm of inspiration.

We are not just a problem to be solved, or just a damaged body needing to be endured, or just a person needing attending to, or just a puzzle to be figured out. We have a spirit longing to be touched, embraced, recognized and moved. Inspiration throws open the doors of limitation and confinement, flings open the windows of silence and sterility, and with one voice, lights up our being and radiates heat that warms our very soul.

We can have no real healing or recovery without inspiration, because there is no real life within, without it.

The gift of inspiration is in its essence, its oneness, with every inch of our being. It is, in fact, the personification of intimacy with ourselves, with each other, with the universe. It is the gift of true liberation while still being a captive in a finite body. The fullest experience of spirit transforming body while body is still alive.

Of course, we must have inspiration if we are to heal and recover and accept the reality of the limitations of that recovery. It is the key to living with hope and desire.

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